Parse Xml Data in Java Example

An XML file contains data between the tags so it is complex to read the data when compared to other file formats like docx and txt. There are two types of parsers which parse an XML file:

  • Object-Based (e.g. D.O.M)
  • Event-Based (e.g. SAX, StAX)

Types of XML parsers

In this article, we will discuss how to parse XML using Java DOM parser and Java SAX parser.

Java DOM Parser: DOM stands for Document Object Model. The DOM API provides the classes to read and write an XML file. DOM reads an entire document. It is useful when reading small to medium size XML files. It is a tree-based parser and a little slow when compared to SAX and occupies more space when loaded into memory. We can insert and delete nodes using the DOM API.

We have to follow the below process to extract data from an XML file in Java.

  • Instantiate XML file:
  • Get root node: We can use getDocumentElement() to get the root node and the element of the XML file.
  • Get all nodes: On using getElementByTagName() Returns a NodeList of all the Elements in document order with a given tag name and are contained in the document.
  • Get Node by text value: We can use getElementByTextValue() method in order to search for a node by its value.
  • Get Node by attribute value: we can use the getElementByTagName() method along with getAttribute() method.

Let's now see an example on extracting data from XML using Java DOM Parser.

Create a .xml file, in this case, we have created Gfg.xml


<? xml version = "1.0" ?>

< class >

< geek >

< id >1</ id >

< username >geek1</ username >

< EnrolledCourse >D.S.A</ EnrolledCourse >

< mode >online self paced</ mode >

< duration >Lifetime</ duration >

</ geek >

< geek >

< id >2</ id >

< username >geek2</ username >

< EnrolledCourse >System Design</ EnrolledCourse >

< mode >online live course</ mode >

< duration >10 Lectures</ duration >

</ geek >

< geek >

< id >3</ id >

< username >geek3</ username >

< EnrolledCourse >Competitive Programming</ EnrolledCourse >

< mode >online live course</ mode >

< duration >8 weeks</ duration >

</ geek >

< geek >

< id >4</ id >

< username >geek4</ username >

< EnrolledCourse >Complete Interview Preparation</ EnrolledCourse >

< mode >online self paced</ mode >

< duration >Lifetime</ duration >

</ geek >

</ class >

Now create a java file for Java DOM parser. In this case


import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;


public class GfgXmlExtractor {

public static void main(String argv[])


try {

File file = new File(

"F:\\geeksforgeeks_contributions\\gfg.xml" );

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf

= DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

Document doc = db.parse(file);



"Root element: "

+ doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

NodeList nodeList

= doc.getElementsByTagName( "geek" );

for ( int i = 0 ; i < nodeList.getLength(); ++i) {

Node node = nodeList.item(i);

System.out.println( "\nNode Name :"

+ node.getNodeName());

if (node.getNodeType()


Element tElement = (Element)node;


"User id: "

+ tElement

.getElementsByTagName( "id" )

.item( 0 )



"User Name: "

+ tElement


"username" )

.item( 0 )



"Enrolled Course: "

+ tElement


"EnrolledCourse" )

.item( 0 )



"Mode: "

+ tElement

.getElementsByTagName( "mode" )

.item( 0 )



"Duration: "

+ tElement


"duration" )

.item( 0 )





catch (Exception e) {






Root element: class  Node Name :geek User id: 1 User Name: geek1 Enrolled Course: D.S.A Mode: online self paced Duration: Lifetime  Node Name :geek User id: 2 User Name: geek2 Enrolled Course: System Design Mode: online live course Duration: 10 Lectures  Node Name :geek User id: 3 User Name: geek3 Enrolled Course: Competitive Programming Mode: online live course Duration: 8 weeks  Node Name :geek User id: 4 User Name: geek4 Enrolled Course: Complete Interview Preparation Mode: online self paced Duration: Lifetime        

Method 2: Java SAX Parser

SAX Parser in java provides API to parse XML documents. SAX parser is a lot more different from DOM parser because it doesn't load complete XML into memory and read XML document sequentially. In SAX, parsing is done by the ContentHandler interface and this interface is implemented by DefaultHandler class.

Let's now see an example on extracting data from XML using Java SAX Parser.

Create a java file for SAX parser. In this case, we have created


import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;

import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

public class GfgSaxXmlParser {

public static void main(String args[])


try {

SAXParserFactory factory

= SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();

DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() {

boolean id = false ;

boolean username = false ;

boolean EnrolledCourse = false ;

boolean mode = false ;

boolean duration = false ;

public void startElement(

String uri, String localName,

String qName, Attributes attributes)

throws SAXException


if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase( "Id" )) {

id = true ;


if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase(

"username" )) {

username = true ;


if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase(

"EnrolledCourse" )) {

EnrolledCourse = true ;


if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase( "mode" )) {

mode = true ;


if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase(

"duration" )) {

duration = true ;



public void characters( char ch[], int start,

int length)

throws SAXException


if (id) {


"ID : "

+ new String(ch, start,


id = false ;


if (username) {


"User Name: "

+ new String(ch, start,


username = false ;


if (EnrolledCourse) {


"Enrolled Course: "

+ new String(ch, start,


EnrolledCourse = false ;


if (mode) {


"mode: "

+ new String(ch, start,


mode = false ;


if (duration) {


"duration : "

+ new String(ch, start,


duration = false ;





"F:\\geeksforgeeks_contributions\\gfg.xml" ,



catch (Exception e) {






ID : 1 User Name: geek1 Enrolled Course: D.S.A mode: online self paced duration : Lifetime ID : 2 User Name: geek2 Enrolled Course: System Design mode: online live course duration : 10 Lectures ID : 3 User Name: geek3 Enrolled Course: Competitive Programming mode: online live course duration : 8 weeks ID : 4 User Name: geek4 Enrolled Course: Complete Interview Preparation mode: online self paced duration : Lifetime


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